Winter May Be Here, but We're O's Fans All Year!

Posted: Jan 30, 2019

Summer in Birdland began on Saturday, January 26th at Orioles FanFest and thanks to the Orioles, Casey Cares kiddos were there to enjoy it!

Our families had a ball at the Orioles' day-long baseball celebration! They met the players, attended kids' press conferences, listened in on Q&A sessions, played games, got autographs, and collected one-of-a-kind memorabilia.

"Thanks so much for the Orioles Fanfest tickets!" Zach's mom wrote in an email. "Zach was never really into baseball too much but when the players were signing cards for him and taking pics and everything, he had the biggest smile! It was awesome to see him smile about something other than video games for a change and he has now decided he wants to watch baseball and go to some games! We had a great time and it was an awesome experience!"

A big thanks to the Baltimore Orioles for making this memory possible. 




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