Gina Truesdale

Posted: Jul 9, 2024

On this special edition of "Every Runner Has A Reason," we're honored to spotlight Gina Truesdale and her family - who are deeply important to the Casey Cares community and our programs.

Her son, Abraham "Hammy" Scrivner, was in Casey Cares program during his 4 year treatment for a very rare form of brain cancer. Gina had learned about Casey Cares through "a social worker at John's Hopkins Hospital."

"Casey Cares provided uplifting activities that would take our minds off doctors’ appointments and hospital treatments, even if it was just for an hour or two. We met families who were going through similar challenges as we were, and we were able to lean on each other in fun environments," Gina states.

She continues, "Hammy was very athletic and played soccer, football, basketball, baseball, and lacrosse. He was also instrumentally inclined, playing the cello, trumpet, and snare drum; while also singing in his school's chorus. Hammy was the caregiver to two red-eared slider turtles named Rocky and Crush whom he loved and adored."

After Hammy passed away at age 10, Gina jumped into Casey Cares as a volunteer and created the “Hammy’s Heart” program to fulfill her son's last wish to help feed others. That program supplies grocery store gift cards to families who need assistance while caring for a critically ill child. Since families are often overwhelmed with so many other financial obligations, this program helps with basic needs when money is stretched to its limits.

Gina started running the Casey Cares 5K in memory of her son and "supporting families that now need Casey Cares" while enjoying "getting a workout in early."

She shares that if someone is just starting to incorporate running or walking into their lifestyle, "30 minutes of walking a day is all you need."

When you see Gina and her team, stop and say hi! She will be walking in "a new customized Hammy t-shirt!”

Her family is the reason Casey Cares continues its mission as your registration supports children and their families like Hammy and Gina. When you are at the Maryland Zoo on August 3rd and you see the “Hammy’s Hearts” t-shirts, be sure to say hello! Join Gina and sign up today!