Madelynne Masters

Posted: Jul 18, 2024

"I started running when my son Maverick was in the hospital receiving chemotherapy treatments for leukemia," Casey Cares mom Madelynne says.

Every runner has a reason and for Madelynne, it's her son Maverick. 

"It was suggested to me to find a release for all the emotions associated with having a critically ill child and running was the perfect solution. I could leave all the anger and pain on the pavement and feel ready to fight again," she shares.

Madelynne first learned about Casey Cares from her son's social worker at Johns Hopkins. "Mav has been a Casey Cares kiddo for a couple years now," she says.

This connection is what led Madelynne to participate in the Casey Cares 5K last year. "I participated in the race last year to support the wonderful people who have helped my family so much. I loved being able to represent Maverick's Monsters, our group's team name, in an effort to raise awareness for childhood cancer and give back to such an amazing organization," Madelynne states.

For Madelynne, the best part of running has a two-fold benefit. "Nothing beats the therapeutic value of running through your emotions. The other amazing aspect of running is being able to use it for awareness and advocacy. I love being able to represent my little homie with an extra chromie as well as support fundraising efforts for both childhood cancer and the Down syndrome community," she explains.

When it comes to running, Madelynne can't do without her "awesome combination of empowering tunes" on her playlist. As for advice for those just starting to incorporate running or walking into their lifestyle, Madelynne encourages, "Challenge yourself. It's not meant to be easy, but that doesn't mean it can't be rewarding. The best things in life take a little work."

 Come together and build your own team for our 5K in support of Casey Cares programs for critically ill children like Maverick - click here to register today!